May 26th till June 8th (digital content online)
June 3rd till June 5th symposium stream (Zoom Webinar)
Registration till May 31st
The University of Applied Arts Vienna provides the possibility to (virtually) take part in this year’s Public Colloquium of the Artistic Research PhD programme.
In accordance with the measures concerning COVID-19 the Public Colloquium 2020 will be held online. It will consist of pre-recorded audio-visual presentations made by PhD candidates showing the current developments of their artistic-research projects, a collection of reviews on the presentations, and an online symposium stream (Zoom Webinar), in which all participants meet to exchange, reflect and discuss.
We’re looking forward to see you in the stream!
Hosted by:
Margarete Jahrmann University Professor of the Artistic Research PhD Programme and Alexander Damianisch Head of Zentrum Fokus Forschung.